
Mental Health Research 4 Kids

My part in the project:

  • brand identity

  • creative direction

  • website graphics

  • recruitment posters & flyers

  • explainer video


Mental Health Research 4 Kids is an innovative research program run by top researchers out of the University of Calgary and Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute.

The program depends on volunteers and so needed a warm and welcoming public facing identity to promote, educate and increase participation for the research initiatives of the program.

The brand needed to be youthful, inviting & friendly
The non-uniform shape circle in the logo symbolically represents that there is no ‘normal’ when it comes to mental health
It was important that the logo would work on its own, as well as alongside the University of Calgary logo and other logos the researchers may use
Adventurous graphics were created to break up content on web pages

The program reached out to me to help them create an animated explainer video for their website.

check out the video below!

Mental Health Research Matters


  • Script Writer: Dr. Whitney Hindmarch

  • Narrator: Dr. Ryann Tansey

  • Director, designer, illustrator, and animator: Taylor Graff

The narrative follows two courageous kid heroes on a quest to explore why Mental Health Research Matters